Trademark guidelines
Please follow the guidelines that are listed below when referencing H&W trademarks and the names of H&W software, products, and services on packaging, promotional materials, advertising, Web sites, and other collateral. These guidelines set the basic rules for using H&W trademarks and H&W software, product, and service names.
Referencing H&W trademarks in text
Proper use of H&W trademarks is important. You may use H&W trademarks or product names to refer to H&W products and services provided you follow these guidelines. Your use must not mislead consumers about any H&W sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your company, or your products or services.
When referencing H&W software and products, apply the appropriate trademark symbols in accordance with the list of current H&W trademarks.
The common way to do this is to capitalize the product name and use the appropriate trademark symbol and appropriate descriptor. You may also underline, italicize, or bold the name. Examples:
Correct: After you install the SYSB-II® software, you can...
Incorrect: After you install the SYSB-II software, you can...
Using trademark notices
Include an attribution of H&W's ownership of its trademark or trademarks within the credit notice section of your documentation or advertisement. The format to follow is: "H&W, SYSB, SYSB-II, and WebTek are either registered trademarks or trademarks of H&W Computer Systems, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries."
Additional guidelines for advertising collateral, marketing, and product packaging
You may reference the names of H&W products and services on packaging and Web sites and in advertising materials to indicate your product's compatibility with a specific H&W product or service, provided the reference complies with the guidelines herein and the specifications below.
Any use of an H&W logo to indicate compatibility must be pursuant to a logo license under one of H&W's Logo programs:
- You may use H&W trademarks in referential phrases such as "Works with SYSB-II® software" or "For use with WebTek® software."
- Do not use any H&W trademarks as your product name, service name, or company name.
- Do not use product, service, or company names that could be confused with any H&W trademark.
- Do not mimic or copy H&W product packaging, advertising, or trade dress.
- Do not use H&W trademarks more prominently than your product or service name. You should maintain a visual distinction between your company and product name and any H&W trademark.
- Do not create or use any logos that include an H&W trademark unless your use is pursuant to a license from H&W. (For example, do not create your own SYSB-II compatibility logo.)
You may not use any H&W software proprietary logos, marks, or other distinctive graphics, video, or audio material, symbols, or icons on or in connection with products, packaging, manuals, or promotional/advertising materials for any purpose.
Link logos
You may place a text link to an H&W Web page on your site if the text link is not a prominent feature on the site or is not used in any way to confuse or mislead consumers. You are not authorized to link to any other page on the H&W Web site without the prior express written consent of H&W, and provided that H&W reserves the right to withdraw this consent at any time at its discretion. You may refer to the H&W company name or H&W product and service names in a plain text font and format, provided this use follows the H&W general trademark guidelines, and you include appropriate wording such as "This way to" You may not use the H&W logo or graphic to link to H&W.
Web sites
You may reference H&W product, service, and technology names on your Web site to indicate that your Web site runs on, or is compatible with, the referenced H&W product or technology, provided the reference complies with the guidelines herein. Do not use any H&W trademark in the title of your Web site or as a second-level domain name. You may not use any H&W logo without a license or written specifications from H&W.
Publications, seminars, and conferences
You may reference H&W product, service, and technology names on the cover of magazines and periodicals, and in the title of seminars and conferences provided you comply with the guidelines herein and the following specifications:
- The publication, seminar, or conference should relate to the specific H&W product, service, or technology referenced.
- Your name and logo should appear more prominently than the H&W wordmark on all printed materials related to the magazine, periodical, seminar, or conference.
- A disclaimer of sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement by H&W, similar to the example below, should be included on the publication and all related printed materials: "(Title) is an independent (publication) and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by H&W Computer Systems, Inc."
- You should include a trademark attribution per the notice format provided in the "Using trademark notices" section of this page.
- Do not use an H&W trademark as the leading word (or most prominent element) in your magazine, periodical, seminar, or conference title. You may use H&W trademarks in a referential manner such as "XYZ MAGAZINE for SYSB-II." Use outside this referential manner (such as "SYSB-II Magazine") requires a license from H&W Computer Systems, Inc.
- Do not use the H&W logo, SYSB-II logo, or any other H&W logo on or in the publication, or on any materials related to the publication, seminar, or conference. Special circumstances may merit a license from H&W.
- Do not use an H&W trademark in any manner that suggests H&W's affiliation, sponsorship, or certification of the magazine, periodical, seminar, or conference.
Company, product, service, and domain names
Do not use or register any H&W trademark, including H&W logos, symbols, icons, or any potentially confusing variation thereof, as part of your company name, trade name, product name, service name, or domain name. Do not place your company name, trademarks, service marks, or product names next to or in combination with an H&W product name.
Endorsement or sponsorship
You may not link in any manner reasonably likely to express or imply affiliation with, or endorsement, sponsorship, certification, or approval by H&W; cause confusion, mistake, or caption; dilute H&W trademarks, service marks or trade names; or otherwise violate applicable law. Do not use any H&W trademark in such a manner that it appears H&W is legally associated with your company. You must display your company name more prominently than any H&W trademark on all materials.
Merchandise items
Do not manufacture, sell, or give away merchandise items, such as T-shirts and mugs, bearing any H&W trademark, including logos, except pursuant to an express written trademark license from H&W.
Trade dress and advertising elements
Do not imitate H&W logos, logotypes, trade dress, or other elements of H&W product packaging and Web sites in any of your materials, including but not limited to advertising, product packaging, Web sites, and promotional materials.
Slogans and taglines
Do not use or imitate any H&W tagline (for example: "Bridging the enterprise computing gap").